Flights to Ancona

Flights to Ancona

When to visit Ancona

We suggest you to visit Ancona in periods between April and June, but also from September to November.

Temperatures are good, with only a short period of winter, when it is possible to rain or to snow. The warmest period of Ancona is July and August. The highest temperature is 30 C.

Good to know about Ancona

The city is located on the Adriatic coast, and it is the main city of the Marche region. Ancona is built on 2 hills, so it forms some kind of amphitheater. The main part of the city is still the harbor. The population is just around 100.000 citizens, and this population is maintained for at least 50 years. The architecture is represented by buildings that have low density.

For traveling you can use the company Cenerobus. The tickets can be bought from ticket machines on stations, or on the bus. The tickets cost 2 €.

You can also use a taxi, but be careful, because some tourists report overcharging.

The best restaurant in this city is La Moretta. There are several specialties from the national dishes, also the tiramisu and other delicious desserts. We recommend trying the fish broth, and also spaghetti with shrimp.

Popular people who were born in Ancona are: Vito Volterra (mathematician), Franco Corelli (opera singer), Cyiarc of Ancona (archeologist) and Angelo Messi (ancestor of Lionel Messi).

The nightlife of Ancona begins with aperitivo, which starts early (around 6 pm) and it means going to restaurants or pizzeria for the diner. Then they go to the bars in the center up to 10 pm. And after this, they go to a disco in Riccione or Rimini.

What to see in Ancona

Ancona Harbour

The harbor of Ancona is delightful to see, and to walk through, because there are a lot of interesting ships and commercial freighters.

On the western part of the harbor, you can find many fishing boats, also sailing boats, and a line of restaurants. Then on the east, you pass the shipyard and commercial ships. After these, you can pass Mole Vanvitelliana, and at the end you will come to the Arch of Trajan. This is quite an interesting coast with a large possibility for marine activities.

This coastline has some beaches and great facilities – on the western side with the main beach and lake, and on the eastern side is the smaller beach and Church of Santa Maria di Portonovo. The coastline is great – with forests down to the beach, and golden sands and turquoise sea. If you want to relax and escape the busy city, go to the beaches. There are also car parks, restaurants and cafes.

Cattedrale di San Ciriaco

Cathedral of Saint Ciriaco is located on the top of Monte Guasco, in the eastern part of the city. It is very important religious place in the city. The path that leads towards this cathedral is interesting, with a beautiful staircase. This cathedral was built in 11th century. Have a Romanesque design and wonderful front façade. There are also lions made of red marble in the front of the cathedral. From the point of the cathedral, a wonderful view of the port area and the historic old town is spread.

National Archaeological Museum

Near to the Ancona Cathedral is the National Archeological Museum and is one of the most important in Italy. In the museum is a huge collection of artefacts from the Marche region of Italy. This museum is bulilt on 7 floors. The artifacts are related to the Piceno Civilization and also the Gauls. Also other findings are prehistoric tombs, pottery, and coins from the Romans. There we can see everyday’s life of the citizens in this city. The objects are described and well-presented and there is variety of findings.

Mole Vanvitelliana

This structure is seated in the central part of the harbor, near to the cruise terminal and Parco Publico Cittadella. It is built in the 18th century. It is one of the most famous structures in Ancona. It was made as a station for quarantine for leprosy. Have a wonderful pentagonal design and some wonderful arches and porticos. Also, there is also a large monument in the main part with an interesting design.

Arco di Traiano

This is located in the main part of the port, and shows how this city was involved with the Roman Empire. The arch was made to honor the great Trajan, the emperor who developed Ancona. This arch was made 18.5 m high and 3 m wide. In the central part is inscription. Around the arch is a walkway with great views of the port and the harbor.

Roman Amphitheatre

Typical for all the Italian cities, Ancona has its ancient Roman Amphitheatre. It is constructed on the slopes of Monte Guasco, not far from San Ciriaco Cathedral.

This famous place was built during the period of Augustus. Was used as a place for arts and also as a gladiatorial school. Next to the theatre, you can see the remains of the school. It is not so preserved, but it is an interesting place to visit.

Monumento ai Caduti

Over the cliffs of Spiaggia del Passetto is located Caduti Monument. This monument was built in memory of those who lost live during World War 1 and was built in the 1920s. In the front place, there is a staircase heading down to a promenade, and in the right part there is a small garden. From there, you can see the ocean, and behind is Viale Della Vittoria.

Piazza del Plebiscito

The Piazza is at the central point of the city and have many important buildings. Several of these structures are: Chiesa di San Domenico, Museo Della Citta, Prefettura Di Ancona, and the public library. On the eastern part, there is a set of stairs also some grand historic statues like the one of Pope Clement XII. Also, there are some of the most famous restaurants, bars and cafes. This square is a great place to visit and is very close to several other monuments and historic places in the city.

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